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Nguvu Espresso

Un blend corsé conçu pour l'espresso

Price: 28,57 26,95 excl. VAT
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Origin: Rwanda, Brésil (Blend)
Variety: 80% Arabica, 20% Canephora (Robusta)
Grower: Titus & Buf Coffee
Altitude: 1600-2000m
Quality: Excellent (83+)

Price table

Price incl. VAT / bag Price excl. VAT / bag
1 bag from 5 to 9 from 10 to 24 25 bags and +
250g - Whole 8,90 8,40 8,45 7,97 8,45 7,97 8,45 7,97
250g - Ground 8,90 8,40 8,45 7,97 8,45 7,97 8,45 7,97
1 Kg - Whole 28,57 26,95 28,04 26,45 27,45 25,90 26,98 25,45
1 Kg - Ground 28,57 26,95 28,04 26,45 27,45 25,90 26,98 25,45
Show prices incl. VAT Show prices excl. VAT


The Nguvu blend is specially designed for strong coffees, also known as espressos or espressos. The blend is powerful and rich, perfect for lovers of a good, intense cup of coffee at breakfast or in the early afternoon.

The body of this coffee is powerful, balanced and generous, with notes of cocoa, hazelnut and toast. There are also subtle fruity touches (tangerine, orange) with a long finish that reveals sweeter notes of caramel.

Composition of Nguvu

This blend is made up of 3 coffees from 2 different countries: Brazil and Rwanda.

  • The Brazilian coffee that makes up this blend is a gourmet Arabica, grown at an altitude of 1200m in Brazil's Cerrado Mineiro region. It has low acidity and sweet notes of caramel and cocoa. It gives the blend its gourmet cocoa flavour.
  • The 2nd coffee in Nguvu is also an Arabica (red bourbon variety) from Rwanda, in the Western Province near the Virunga Mountains. It is grown between 1700 and 2100m under natural shade. Quite complex, it gives the blend subtle lemony notes and some citrus flavours.
  • Finally, the 3rd coffee in this blend is a coffee we call Mister Kong. As its name suggests, it brings strength and power to the blend. Mister Kong is a robusta coffee that also originates from Rwanda, and more precisely from the great coffee-growing region in the north of the country, in the Gakenke district, on the Coko terroir.

This coffee is roasted in Belgium using an artisanal, slow-roasting process. It's a perfect match for your company espresso machine! Discover the advantages of a slow, artisanal roast on our blog!

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