Find the ideal professional multi-drink machine

Coffee machines with hot chocolate

Are you looking for a professional multi-drink coffee machine that offers both coffee and hot chocolate to satisfy your customers and/or employees? You’ve come to the right place! Discover below our selection of multi-drink coffee machines for business and hospitality.

All the coffee and chocolate machines listed below are available for purchase or rental. Not sure what to choose? Request a quote online and we’ll help you!

Daily Capacity

Daily Capacity
  • 120 to 160 cups
  • 40 to 80 cups
  • 80 to 120 cups


  • Connected to mains water (5)
  • With payment system (1)

Monthly price

Monthly price
From 135 € / month
  • Water connection
  • 80 to 120 people per day
  • Coffee beans and powdered beverages (chocolate, soup, hazelnut coffee, etc.)
From 120 € / month
  • Water connection
  • Ideal for serving 100 to 150 cups a day
  • Coffee beans and powdered beverages (chocolate, soup, hazelnut coffee, etc.)
Machine professionnelle Rhea Business Line
From 110 € / month
  • Water connection
  • For a hundred coffees / day
  • Coffee beans + multi-drinks (chocolate, soup, decaf, etc.)

From 89 € / month
  • 36 specialties available
  • Easy to use
  • Multi-drink dispenser with coffee beans
From 89 € / month
  • Water connection
  • 2 containers for powdered drinks such as cocoa or soup
  • The least expensive multi-drink machine

Choosing the right machine is complicated. Request a quote online and we’ll be happy to help.

A quality multi-drink coffee machine

Coffee beans and other powdered beverages

All the multi-drink machines we offer are bean-to-cup coffee machines equipped with a grinder and a bean reservoir to guarantee high-quality coffee. Depending on the model, in addition to the bean container, you’ll have between 2 and 5 bins for additional powdered beverages: chocolate, soup, milk, hazelnut cappuccino, decaf coffee, etc.

We configure the machine according to your needs, so you can offer the hot beverages you want. Anything is possible!

Request a quote online and one of our coffee experts will contact you to guide you in choosing and configuring your coffee machine with hot chocolate and other hot beverages.

Machine à café de l'intérieur avec réservoir grains et bacs pour chocolat en poudre, déca, lait, ...
Something for everyone!

Hot drinks available

The principle is simple: in addition to a bean container, your machine has between 2 and 5 powder containers, depending on the model. You decide which freeze-dried drink to put in each tray. You can also mix and match between the different bins!

For example, you can offer café au lait by mixing coffee with powdered milk. You can also offer a chocolate coffee by mixing coffee with chocolate.

Long or short coffee

Ristretto, espresso, lungo, americano, ... always made with freshly ground coffee beans!

Hot chocolate

Perfect for non-coffee drinkers who want a sweet hot beverage.

Hazelnut cappuccino

A gourmet drink that blends coffee, sugar and hazelnut aromas. A real treat!


The perfect end-of-day decaf coffee!


Tomato soup, green vegetables or other soups are always a popular choice for lunch.


Don't forget: adding a container of powdered milk allows you to add a little milk to all your preparations (chocolate milk, coffee milk, cappuccino milk, etc.).

machine à café hall d'entrée

A multi-drink coffee machine for different uses

A multi-drink coffee machine can be installed and used for a variety of professional purposes:

In the office: in the coffee corner, in the office, in the open space or even in the lobby, your machine will delight your employees.

In hotels, restaurants, cafés and other catering establishments, your multi-drink machine will enable you to quickly serve different hot beverages to your customers or visitors. They can either be used behind the counter by your staff, or made available to customers (in the breakfast area of a hotel, for example).

Compatible with coin changers and payment systems

The coffee machines we offer on this page can be self-service or configured with a payment system.

Coin-operated machines accept a variety of payment methods:

  • badge
  • credit card
  • currency
  • tokens

Opting for a coin-operated coffee machine can be a way of reducing your costs as an employer. That said, be careful not to damage your employer branding. If you’re not sure, read our article explaining the pros and cons of charging for coffee in the office.

photo machine à café avec paiement par carte
to find out more

Other machines to meet your needs

machine avec arrivée d'eau

Machines with water supply

For those who want to take advantage of a connection to their city’s water system.

Machines with chocolate

For those who want to offer more than one chocolate drink in their office.

Office machines

Adaptable for your company kitchen, open space or break room.

Need help?

You don’t know which machine to choose to offer different hot drinks in your company? Request a quick quote online and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours to advise you!